To manage your rewards programs more effectively, Toasty offers multi-admin access for your account, providing flexibility in assigning roles and permissions to team members.
Table of Contents:
Inviting Team Members
Only the super admin has the authority to invite users and set permissions for your Toasty account.
To invite a team member:
- Go to the ‘Invite Your Team’ section under Settings.
- Click Invite User and enter the email address of the person you wish to invite.
Select their role and permissions accordingly.
- The permissions set upon the invite are not permanent—you can modify them at any time. - An invitation will be sent to the invitee via email, allowing them to set up their account.
Setting User Permissions
The super admin can assign various permissions to each user, based on their role in managing the account.
Permissions include:
- Funding the account.
- Placing orders.
- Checking the account balance.
- Accessing order history.
- Transferring funds between accounts.
These settings ensure you can tailor each user's access according to their responsibilities, maintaining control and security over your rewards program management.